You can eat cicada's grasshoppers earthworms and even cockroaches! But i'm not really eager to try it. I guess its been ingrained in me. I learned my physical aversion while scrolling through these tidbits on this blog.
Burdock and rosehips are more to my taste. Burdock has a velcro seedpod and if you see that, promote their growth by taking their seeds and spreading them where you'd like to see more! I have yet to find rosehips with big juicy fruit which is abundant from November to April, but I'll keep looking for those. Inside there are seeds, and if you plant those, it'll be good for you and the birds. They sell rosehips in healthfood stores, as well as burdock. And dandelion.
Dandelion is great for detoxifying. You can eat the greens, or take the flower and make a tea. Clover is also edible.
I'm taking a class on wild edibles with sergei boutenko led by tera warner. For now i'll just leave you with bugs and common 'weeds'
Here's a recipe:
a bunch of pine, fir, or spruce needles, especially the new growth green tips.
A banana
a bundle of spinach
Blend! drink.
Boil some pine, fir, or spruce needles and sweeten with honey. Its rich in vitamin c and MSM too, which is sold as a dietary supplement (like everything else). MSM is an interesting compound. Its a sulfur thats found in eggs, nuts, seeds, cruciferous veggies, onions, and garlic, but is not found in irrigated plants, but only in plants involved in the cycle of rainwater. (Thats from Ornica, a supplier of Opti-msm)
Anyway, If you have access to a sauna, pouring the tea over the rocks is medicinal for when you have a cold, as it releases the pine oil into the air through steam which you breathe in. There are so many correlations historically between people surrounded by these and other oils and being immune to plagues.
Y'know what i love about all this? The answer to a lot of our worlds problems are so simple and humble and sorta Eden-like. I am looking forward to seeing nature and technology fuse beautifully together. I'm benefiting so much from being able to learn about nature through the internet :)