Studies in peer reviewed journals showed that animals fed GMO diets had organ damage, accelerated aging, reproductive disorders, gastrointestinal problems, immune problems, dysfunctional regulation of cholesterol and insulin. (HOLY SH!T! blink your eyes rapidly and shake your head to digest that information before reading on.) When animals were switched to a non GMO diet their health improved: the death rate goes down, stillborn rates go down, litter size goes up...
In humans, allergy rates have gone up in the last few decades, and children are as much as four times more susceptible to allergies. When corn is genetically modified, dormant genes become active as a sort of collateral damage. GMO corn has more allergenic compounds, so oftentimes people are allergic to gm corn but not to conventional corn. The same goes for soy, which is used for infant formula!! eek!! The bt toxin/protein has been found in the blood of pregnant women as well as their unborn fetuses. It also kills larvae of spotted ladybirds (ladybugs) which is a beneficial insect, eating aphids and other undesirable pests.
GMO doesn't require labeling. In November of 2012 california will have a voter-initiative on the ballot and hopefully voters will say Yes to mandatory GMO labeling. This would have significant enough impact on consumer choice (53% of polled people said they'd avoid GMO if it was labeled) and companies would refrain from using GMO. The tipping point may be as low as 5% decrease in sales to get companies to make the switch.
In other GMO related news, Peru has renewed its ban on GMO foods for another 10 years. Their potato crops are so varied and beautiful, they have nothing to gain from GMO!
Monsanto often advertises that they are working on drought-resistant corn crops, but the most recent "drought-resistant" corn crop they created was still inferior to a conventional drought-resistant corn variety. wtf, mate!? They also claimed (and were sued for claiming) that their pesticide was biodegradable when it was not. Their bt toxin was found in the blood of pregnant women and their unborn fetuses. With all the negative effects it has had on animals, it would not be surprising if the rising cancer rates, autism rates, and cases of diabetes were partially or largely caused by this new technology.
So, keep your head up! There are people working to get GMO's labeled, and countries standing strong against companies like monsanto. Buy organic corn, soy/tofu/soymilk/natto, and avoid packaged food.
Here is some more good reads.
1. An
article about the dangers, with a nifty graph on the increase of percentage of acres of land being used to grow gmo corn/cotton/soy
2. the
"just label it" campaign, with a video inspiring you to believe that we have a right to know.
3. A
creepy article about how companies with pro-gmo interests are getting to the kids through the teachers.