Tera Warner is kicking off another 10 day juice cleanse and I read her inspiring e-mail about the 4,016 meals she's eaten in her years in her body.
I don't have the money to pay for a full-support program via Tera Warner and I don't want to ask her for another scholarship, because I've not yet finished my commitments to her course on Wild Edibles or lived up to my expectations of my contributions to the community... I hope to rectify that with an expose on eating poison ivy and building up immunity and my experiences with that...
Anyway, a good support system would be to just blog about a 10 day juice cleanse, take a few pictures and share it with whoever cares.
I start monday by going grocery shopping and buying fruits and vegetables for two days worth of juice. I shall go grocery shopping again Tuesday, then again Thursday, and then again Saturday and then again Monday.
Budget-wise, i'm luckily beginning this at the receipt of my $500 paycheck so i can spend freely. So i'll buy veggies and apples and pears and begin juicing... I think i need four 8 oz bottles to carry with me throughout the day. The flavor has to vary. We're fighting cockroaches right now, so i'll have to juice outside. Maybe i'll make some videos and share them, too. It'll be scenic anyway with the sunlight, trees, and birds chirping... although the whirr of the juicer will drown them out...
Okay... I'm really going to do this? Its quite a commitment...
But I feel like doing this (here comes the "Why i'm doing this" part) will optimize my other projects. I'll be fueled more efficiently to haul those wheelbarrows of clay, the shoveling of mulch, the planting, the running, the monkey bar climbing, the swinging, the jumping, the hooping, the carthweeling, handstanding, swimming body of mine. And it will fuel my child, too, inadvertently since we share all the food. When i eat crap, he also eats crap. I'd say my crap is still a little more health-conscious than Standard American crap. I came to appreciate that this past week.
I saw so many fat people. Fun fact i learned from an elder today, Fat people avoid talking about exercise, nutrition, and healthy lifestyle choices, and skinny people are 'obsessed' with it.
I had a dream that i told a fat person they were fat and she was in complete denial, so I apologized for my mistake, and woke up.
Alright, enough philosophizing. Tomorrow is Sunday so the bank isn't open to deposit my check, so i can go grocery shopping on Monday for fresh fruits and veggies. Until then... I'll live off of whatever wild edibles I find :) which is abundant enough right now :)