Wednesday 1 February 2012

Scheduling for easy rawness

I went to a little presentation in DC given by Khepra. I took a lot of notes, but the most interesting and most useful thing i took home, besides a reminder that the wonderful food of Olives is not to be forgotten, is this:

The cycles of our body could dictate what we choose to eat. Elimination, building, fasting. repeat.

The elimination phase begins around 4am until we get really hungry around noon. During this time its good to eat detoxifying foods, high in water content. Citrus, apples, strawberries, watermelons.

For building, we want something more filling with proteins and fats and minerals. Nuts, seeds, olives, avocado, and greens. In the winter time we need more greens than in summer time, so half of my meal consists of a salad. The filler tends to be two large buckwheat cracker breads topped with something delicious like a mixture of olives, tomatos, nuts, seeds, avocado, or whatever goes into the food processor.

After 8pm its a good idea to stop eating. I used to snack a lot on popcorn and sweets at nighttime, so now that i've become aware of my habit, i can change it. If i really want to stuff my face with something, i reach for an apple. Apple's have a appetite suppressant quality about it. Or perhaps its just purely satisfying with a good crunch and often a great flavor.

So in the mornings, if i'm feeling hungry i drink this above drink: Two or three apples, a banana, an orange, some water, and some spirulina or chlorella. It fills me up so much. The only problem is that i end up having to pee often because i drink it so quickly. Recently i'm trying to stretch it until lunch, but i have this subconscious program that i need to finish whats infront of me. I'm working on that :)

Aaaanyway, i just wanted to share the above schedule as something nice to think about. Thinking of 'building' my body from noon to eight pm definitely changes my eating schedule, though, in that i don't eat breakfast lunch and dinner. I drink some breakfast, and then i have early lunch and late lunch. Well, ideally. The social aspect of dinner turns this around a bit. Anywho, fun journey with food.

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