Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Cooked foods and how i feel

The way that i make any big, permanent changes in my life is Little By Little, going back and forth from my old ways and experimenting with the new ways. That way i can notice changes along the way and know they're legit.

So after a few days of feeling great eating just fruit, i switched to eating whatever was presented, which included bread with the most delicious olive oil butter, salt and nutritional yeast covered kale chips, walnuts, salty sesame sticks, chips, hummus, black beans mixed with prunes and bananas (what was i thinking...?)

sweet, fatty, salty.

A few days ago, when I had been eating primarily fruits and salads, with little infidelities like a nut here and there, i was fuggin radiating. A friend visited and took this picture,

and throughout those days i was noticing the effect that radiance was having on people i met throughout the day... Anyway, after i experimented the other way (the hodgepodge food combinations) i had breakouts, gas, and this constipated feeling. And now i look like THIS!

And sure, camera quality, attire, time of day, and facial expressions may account for some variables in this scientific comparison of the differences in food intake and radiance output, but the results are still very compelling.


let it at least be anecdotal evidence. Eating fruit and salad i felt energetic, well, and radiant. Eating other stuff i got congested with a runny nose, constipated feelings, and zitty.
So yeah, tomorrow i'll be sitting in a bus for 4 to 5 hours, and i'm only bringing fruit, water, and juice with me.

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